Reginald "Reggie" Berry
Goals For Life Founder
Reggie was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. As the consummate high school athlete, he led his football, baseball and track teams to state championships and received awards in football and basketball. An avid history buff in high school, Reggie became a sought after youth speaker, teaching black history at various colleges and service organizations throughout the state.
Reggie received numerous offers for academic and football scholarships. He graduated from California State University at Long Beach with a B.A. in Sociology. In the football program there he made All Conference as a defensive back. Additionally Reggie is a credentialed teacher with the state of California.
Professional Football:
Reggie is a former American football defensice back. He played in the NFL with the San Diego Chargers and also in the World Football League with the Philadelphia Bell.
Goals For Life Foundation:
Reggie started out teaching goal setting to migrant students; however he wanted a program that would be open to students of all ethnic groups. So he founded Goals For Life, a non-profit organization. Goals For Life sends retired NFL alumni into public schools to mentor at-risk youth for a school year. Reggie believes that the formula for winning in sports also applies to the world of education, business and life. Reggie and the former professional athletes teach the kids that a goal is something you want for your future; then they help the kids develop their goals and show them how they can win in life. The players teach the students that everything is a game, so find out what the rules are, stay in bounds and play to win. Goals For Life has been helping youth for over 35 years. During this time, more than 100 former NFL players have received supplemental income as well as a sense of purpose from changing the lives of over 50,000 students.
Board of Directors NFL Former Players Association:
For nine years Reggie was one of the elected members of the National Football League Player Association Board of Directors; he is the longest serving board member in the history of the NFLPA. Reggie represented the interests of 19,000 former NFL players throughout the country. He was instrumental in bringing football related health and concussion issues up in front of congress, especially in regards to the impact on youth. Reggie has assisted in setting up studies to learn more about concussions and to help impacted retired players get free treatment. Reggie was also elected by former players all over the country to be on the Executive Committee, wherein he negotiated with the active players on behalf of the retired players. Reggie served a two year term on the NFLPA Executive Committee, during which he was the highest elected individual in the NFL Players Association.
1998 Southern California Inter-Scholastic Federation John Wooden Award
1998 National Freedom Award in Washington D.C. for outstanding service to youth
2002 Eureka Fellowship Award from the United Way
2005 Charity of the Year Award presented by Sports Mavericks Smart Talk
2006 AMFML Inspirational Award by the Aquatic Foundation of Metropolitan Los Angeles for work with children through the Goals For Life program
2007 Teachers Making a Difference Award at the Cherry Blossom Festival
2010 Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Youth Inspiration Award
2011 Unsung Athlete Award from The Black Academy of Arts & Letters, presented at the Super Bowl
2013 Best Charity Award, Norwalk Chamber of Commerce
2013 People Helping People Award from Touching Lives TV
2015 Certificate of Recognition, City of Long Beach
2016 Certificate of Recognition, City of Long Beach
2016 California's Strongest People You Can Bank On Integrity Award, Farmers & Merchants Bank
Reggie is a lifelong student of history and sociology. He also enjoys golf.